Principal - Mrs. Kacie Reaves
Mrs. Kacie Reaves

I am excited to be a part of the great things that are happening at at W.H. Rhodes. I have worked in the Santa Rosa County School District for over two decades. I have served as a teacher, a dean, an assistant principal, and a principal. I look forward to making W.H. Rhodes Elementary the best elementary school in the district.

Our Vision and Mission:

Education at Rhodes Elementary is designed to meet the needs of each individual student.  Our school's mission statement as written in the School Improvement Plan States:
*  Rhodes Elementary School
*  Family
*  School Community
*  Together We Can Make the Difference

The vision of Rhodes Elementary School is to help children develop the learning skills necessary for continual improvement as responsible, productive members of the community. Each student will gain from school according to the effort he/she applies. To increase the degree of educational success, it is very important that teachers, parents, and administrators communicate openly and frequently concerning the progress of students. You, the parents/guardians, must play a key role in the education of your children. Your words of encouragement, a hug when the day has been rough, your interest in your child's work, and your presence at school are vital.

Parents/guardians count! Come to school, meet us, join the PTO, and volunteer your time and energy. Your involvement will show your children that you value their education. Let's work together!

Quality Education: It’s My Responsibility!

You can contact me by email at